Strong nutrition assistance programs and public policy that does not put undue burdens on people with economic struggles are essential to a future where no one goes hungry.
The Central Pennsylvania Food Bank advocates for policies that protect individuals and families from hunger. Help us build a powerful movement. Together, government, employers, communities, neighbors, and others can address the root causes of food insecurity to ensure that every family has access to adequate food and nutrition.
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Key Issues:
Federal Policy
The Central Pennsylvania Food Bank is committed to protecting the funding and structure of the Federal Nutrition programs that form the backbone of our nation’s response to hunger. We are urging Congress to support programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) and the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP).
SNAP benefits and eligibility must be protected. Without a strong SNAP program, the charitable response to hunger will not be able to meet the need. Negative changes to its funding or structure could result in millions of meals lost over the next decade. SNAP responds quickly to changes in need, growing in response to increases in poverty and unemployment, and declining as unemployment falls. The program is effective, provides a path out of poverty and hunger, and leads to improved educational outcomes, productivity and health.
CSFP is a senior box program that works to improve the health of our seniors by providing monthly nutritious food packages to low-income senior citizens who meet certain age and income requirements. Each month, participants receive an estimated 26 pounds of USDA commodities.
TEFAP food is an important part of how the Food Bank provides nutritious food to those in need. Funding levels for TEFAP foods are set by the Farm Bill, and the funds are included in yearly appropriations legislation. Last year, in recognition of consistently high demand at our Food Bank, the appropriations legislation including additional TEFAP funding.
State Policy
The Central Pennsylvania Food Bank works closely with the Pennsylvania General Assembly to advocate for anti-hunger programs at the state level, including the State Food Purchase Program and the Pennsylvania Agricultural Surplus System.
Pennsylvania State Food Purchase Program (SFPP)
The State Food Purchase Program provides grants to counties for the purchase and distribution of nutritious food to low-income individuals. The program is funded by the state budget via the PA Department of Agriculture. The food bank advocates for a $21 million appropriation for this program in the 2019-20 state budget.
PA Agricultural Surplus System (PASS):
The Pennsylvania Agricultural Surplus System covers the costs associated with harvesting, processing, packaging, and transporting surplus agricultural products including fruits, vegetables, dairy, eggs and meat to donate those items to the charitable food system. The program is funded by the state budget through the PA Department of Agriculture. The Food Bank advocates for a $3 million appropriation for this program in the 2019-20 state budget.
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