EVERYONE DESERVES “A SEAT AT THE TABLE” And York Memorial Health Fund committed to help build that table! With thousands of York Countians struggling with hunger each and every day and one of the counties with the largest meal gap, York was an ideal county to begin working on solving hunger through a collaborative and innovative lens. In 2017 Governor Wolf announced A Seat at the Table, A Blueprint for a Hunger Free PA, which outlines strategies to solve hunger in the Commonwealth. In partnership with Catholic Harvest, New Hope Ministries, York County Food Bank, and The Food Alliance, Central Pennsylvania Food Bank formed a collaborative and began work to gather data and information on the charitable food assistance programs throughout the county with a goal to begin implementing the strategies outlined in the Blueprint. York Memorial Health Fund made a significant investment to underwrite this innovative work. The Food Trust, a nationwide anti-hunger advocacy organization was commissioned to conduct an evaluation of the data and make recommendations in alignment with the Blueprint’s goals. The results of this work will be transformational and bring us one step closer to ensuring everyone struggling with hunger has access to enough nutritious food to live a healthy, happy life. The final report is almost complete and will be linked to our website in the coming months.