
Congressman Dan Meuser was a true anti-hunger hero for Pennsylvania’s 9th Congressional District, and all Pennsylvanians, throughout the COVID pandemic. In March, Congressman Meuser led the charge for the 18-member Pennsylvania congressional delegation to formally request waivers for The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) and child nutrition programs, providing the needed flexibility to distribute food to families in need while minimizing the risk to clients, volunteers and staff. Congressman Meuser championed the effort to achieve 100% sign-on from his fellow members of the Pennsylvania delegation. His advocacy helped Pennsylvania become one of the first states to receive the waivers, a true bipartisan accomplishment.

Congressman Meuser also supported the creation of the USDA’s Farmers to Families Food Box Program. This new program, which has proved vital in meeting the increased demand for food assistance, connects the charitable food system with fresh meat, dairy, and produce delivered directly from local farms. This summer, Congressman Meuser visited Brian Campbell Farms in Berwick to hear directly from participants in this program.

Thank you to Congressman Meuser and his staff for the work they have done on behalf of the charitable food system and we look forward to continuing to work together to fight hunger in Central PA. #HungerActionMonth