We have recipes for you and for your whole family that are budget friendly, easy to make and delicious. Food is so much more then fuel, it’s love.
The Central Pennsylvania Food Bank’s Nutrition Education Team has assembled the recipes below and carefully created recipe cards translated in Spanish, and Haitian Creole
- 3 Bean Salad Recipe
- Almond Date Bars
- Apple Slaw
- Baked Fish
- Banana Bread
- Banana Ice Cream Sandwiches
- BBQ Turkey Stuffed Peppers
- Bean and Vegetable Quesadilla
- Cheesy Breakfast Potatoes
- Chicken Broccoli Ramen Stir Fry
- Chicken Pie
- Chickpea Salad
- Corn Flake Chicken
- Easy Baked Apples
- Easy Glazed Carrots
- Easy Microwave Chili
- Fruit Infused Water
- Ham & Egg Frittata
- Homemade Refrigerator Pickles
- Homemade Trail Mix
- Kale and White Bean Soup
- Lentil Soup
- Microwave Broccoli Cheddar Soup
- Microwave Chicken Broccoli Ramen Stir Fry
- Microwave Egg Sandwich
- Microwave Green Beans
- Microwave Mac & Cheese
- Microwave Meatloaf
- Microwave Rice
- One Mug Omelet
- Overnight Oats
- Pasta Primavera
- PB&J Smoothie
- Puff Pancake
- Roasted Brussels Sprouts
- Roasted Butternut Squash
- Simple Banana Pancakes
- Skillet Catfish
- Slow Cooked Pinto Beans
- Souped-up Soup
- Southwest Baked Potato
- Stovetop Pork Chop
- Sweet Potato Chips
- Trail Mix Bars
- West African Peanut Stew
- Yogurt Pops
- Pescado horneado
- Sándwiches de helado y banana
- Quesadilla de frijoles y vegetales
- Tarta de pollo
- Pollo con Corn Flakes
- Manzanas horneadas fáciles
- Zanahorias glaseadas fáciles
- Agua con infusión de frutas
- Frittata de jamón y huevo
- Sopa de kale y frijoles blancos
- Avena de un día para otro
- Pasta Primavera
- Licuado PB&J
- Pancake inflado
- Coles de Bruselas asadas
- Calabaza butternut asada
- Frijoles pintos cocinados a fuego lento
- Batatas fritas
- Estofado de maní de África occidental
- Paletas de yogur
- Pwason kwit
- Bannann Sandwich krèm glase
- Pwa ak legim kesadiya
- Tat poul
- Poul kònflèks
- Pòm ki kuit fasil
- Kawòt glase fasil
- Fwi enfize dlo
- Kam ak ze Frittata
- Soup Kale ak Pwa Blan
- Farin avwàn olandemen
- Spring pasta
- PB&J smoothie
- Krèp fèyte
- Chou Brussels ki griye
- Roti kouj ki miske
- Pwa Pinto ki kuit lan
- Chips patat
- Ragou pistach Afrik Lwès
- Piwili yogout
- पकाएको माछा
- के राको आइसक्रीम स्प्यान्डपवच
- बीन र भेिजटेबल क्यूसाडडला
- चिकन पाई
- कर्न फ्लेक चिकन
- सजिलैसुँगैिकाएको स्प्याउ
- सजिलैसुँगैचमकदार गािर
- फलफूल भरिएको पानी
- ह्याम तथा एग किटाटा
- केल र सेतो बीन सूप
- रातभरको ओट्स
- पास्ता प्रिमावेरा
- पिनट बटर र जेली स्मूदी
- पफ प्यानकेक
- भुटेको ब्रसेल्स स्प्राउट्स
- भुटेको बटरनट् स्प्क्वैश
- बबस्प्तारैिकाएको पिन्टो बीन्स
- सकरखण्डाको चचप्स
- पश्चिम अफ्रिकी मूंगफली स्ट्यू
- दही पप्स
English/Spanish Recipes
- Letter
- Holiday Deviled Eggs
- Peanut Butter Info
- Meat & Cheese Board
- Chopped Cookbook
- Bundling Recipe
- Recipe Forms
- Acorn Squash/Calabazas
- Apples/Manzanas
- Artichokes/Alcachofas
- Asparagus/Espárragos
- Avocado/Aguacate
- Bananas/Plátanos
- Berries/Bayas
- Black Beans/Frijoles Negros
- Broccoli/Brócoli
- Brussels Sprouts/coles de Bruselas
- Butternut Squash/Calabazas
- Cabbage/Col
- Canned Chicken
- Canned Vegetable Soup
- Cantaloupe/Melón
- Carrots/Zanahorias
- Cauliflower/Coliflor
- Celery/Apio
- Chickpeas/Garbanzos
- Chili Recipes
- Corn/Maiz
- Cucumbers/Pepinos
- Dried Cranberries/Arándanos Secos
- Dried Fig Pieces/Piezas de higo seco
- Eggplant/Berenjena
- Fruit & Nut & Raisin
- Great Northern Beans/Frijoles del norte
- Green Beans/Judías verdes
- Grits/La sémola
- Ham & Green Beans
- Jalapeños
- Jicama
- Kale/La col rizada
- Kohlrabi
- Leeks/Puerros
- Lemon and Limes/Limones y limas
- Lentils/Lentejas
- Mangos
- Mushrooms/Hongos
- Onions/Cebollas
- Oranges/Naranjas
- Peanut Butter Recipes
- Peppers/Pimientos
- Pinto Beans/Frijoles Pintos
- Plums/Ciruelas
- Pomegranate/Granada
- Potatoes/Papas
- Raisins/Pasas
- Ravioli
- Salmon
- Shepard’s pie
- Spaghetti Squash/Calabaza
- Spinach/Espinacas
- Split Peas/Guisantes Partidos
- Strawberries/Fresas
- Sweet Potato/Patatas Dulces
- Tuna Casserole with Green Beans
- Turkey Breakfast Skillet
- Tomatoes/Tomates
- Walnuts/Nueces
- Yellow Squash/Calabaza
- Yogurt/Yogur
- Zucchini/Calabacín
Holiday Recipes
“I learned how to shop by going to the Food Bank. Like I said, I’m a single parent and I’ve been raising my son since he was six months. So, when I went to the store I used to (just) grab things. Well, the Food Bank taught me how to eat better…taught me how to cook.”
Miles, client at the Northern Dauphin Food Pantry
For additional information or questions, please contact us by:
Phone: 717.564.1700 or 570.321.8023